What are cookies?

When first visiting the Turner Pope Investments website we will place small text files that are commonly known as cookies on your computer.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies are used to identify visitors and to simplify accessibility when accessing the site, they are also used to monitor visitor behaviour when viewing content, when navigating the website and when using its features.

Cookies we use

The Turner Pope Investments website uses the following cookies:

rcc_acceptedCookie Policy TrackerThis cookie tracks acceptance to our Home Page Risk Warning and our Events page Disclaimer.
_ga google analyticsGoogle AnalyticsThis cookie is used to distinguish users and expires after 2 years.
_gid google analyticsGoogle AnalyticsThis cookie is used to distinguish users and expires after 2 years.

Personal data we collect

The Google Analytics cookies will collect your computer’s unique online electronic identifier, this is commonly known as an IP address. The IP address is collected by Google. No other personal information is collected. You can prevent Google from capturing your data by visiting http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout
You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block cookies, some parts of the website may not function as intended.

Please see our privacy policy for further information on how we collect, use and protect your personal data, including your IP address.

Further information

If you have any questions regarding this Notice and the use of cookies, please contact our Data Privacy Representative by writing to the Data Privacy Representative at Turner Pope Investments, 36 Old Jewry, London, EC2R 8DD or by emailing compliance@turnerpope.com or by telephoning 0203 621 4120.